Another term is born out of COVID-19: Boreout!

Just when you finally figured out what “burnout” is, along comes another workplace stress to worry about. It’s not new, but “boreout” is something you should be aware of and trying to avoid. Because just like burnout, it too has been linked to self-esteem issues and even illness.

Boreout is the term to describe that feeling that you’re nothing but a cog in the machine. It’s when your workplace has limited your role to the point you've stopped feeling like a “contributor” and more like you're just kind of there.Like your body is present, but your spirit isn’t. In other words, it’s working without purpose and feeling bored.

If this is striking a nerve, just know you’re not alone. A recent study found 43% of workers felt bored at work. And that was pre-corona.Who knows how working home alone has shifted that number.And here’s the thing managers, you might not care if your workers are engaged, but your bottom line does. A Gallup poll found bored workers cost US businesses $550-billion in lost productivity every year.

  • How to fight boreout. Professional certified coach Kimberly Roush recommends things like asking for training, seeking a mentor, or learning something new off the clock. And if none of that works, it’s probably time to consider a job change.Your time is too valuable to waste on a job that doesn’t appreciate you!


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