One costume that you probably will not see this year!

Every Halloween, costume maker Yandy comes out with controversial sexy costumes of whatever is big in pop culture at the time, but there’s one thing even they won’t touch this year.

The company recently revealed that even they won’t be making a costume inspired by the coronavirus. "I don't think there's anything sexy about it, "Pilar Quintana-Williams, Yandy's vice president of merchandising, shared.

But that doesn’t mean they are completely doing away with their usual topical costumes. In fact, they are already selling sexy “Tiger King” costumes and a sexy "Banned App" costume, which a crop top featuring what looks like a TikTok logo.

“I think that it has been a difficult year for everybody with quarantine, with all the changes," Quintana-Williams said. "So the stakes are high. But again, we want to bring humor and we want to bring light heartedness to the holiday." 

  • In related news…Yahoo Lifejust came out with some picks for the most controversial Halloween costumes of 2020 including:
  • Coronavirus (apparently someone has come out with one that looks like a beer bottle that said Covid-19)
  • Karens
  • The Confederacy
  • Anything political
  • Police Officers (apparently there are a bunch of “sexy dirty cop” costumes, and even ones with names like “Ed Banger,” “Anita Bribe” and “Officer Payne.”)
  • Anything that screams cultural appropriation 

Source:Business Insider

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