Americans are worried about their health, but see hope!

While it’s understandable that the coronavirus has a lot of folks worried about their health, it seems the virus itself isn’t the main concern for a lot of people.

A new survey finds:

  • 62% of Americans are concerned with their overall health.
  • It seems many have stopped concentrating on healthy habits.
    • 63% of people say they aren’t as active as they’d like to be.
    • 51% say they are exercising less now than they were before the crisis began.
    • 45% have gained weight since the start of the pandemic.
    • 42% are eating less healthy.
  • 85% say they have encountered barriers that keep them from getting healthy. For example:
    • 38% have a lack of motivation.
    • 33% are lacking financial resources.
    • 30% don’t have access to equipment and proper training for workouts. 

And many are worried about their mental health as well.

  • Two-thirds say they are feeling more stressed out and anxious.
  • 45% admit they feel “less like myself.”
  • Many are feeling isolated, with 60% citing a loss of sense of community.
  • 40% are concerned about staying connected with friends and family. 

But not all hope is lost, with 86% of people seeing positive things that could come out of the past six months.

  • 63% believe they’ll have a deeper appreciation for little things in life.
  • 56% will appreciate their friends and family more.
  • 38% will have a deeper appreciation of what they are capable of doing.
  • What’s more, 90% say they’ve learned something about themselves during lockdown.
  • While a third have come away realizing they are strong and resilient. 


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