New parents take to BuzzFeed to talk about parenthood!!

No matter how many books they read, new parents are never fully prepared for how their life changes once they have a baby. There are a lot of things that books simply don’t tell you, but now some experienced parents are here to help.

Buzzfeed asked their community to share “something they wish they'd been told ahead of time about what it's like living with a new baby” and folks were more than happy to chime in.

Responses included:

  • "At times you'll think you made a huge mistake. No one talks about it, but I think a lot of first-time parents have these thoughts."
  • "While babies are delicate, they are more resilient than they look. Not every incident or sneeze deserves a trip to urgent care."
  • "The ‘splash zone’ when changing a diaper is larger than you might think — for both numbers one and two."
  • "Babies need very little other than nourishment, diapers, and love. They don't care if they have a $400 car seat or if they wear a different romper every day. They only care about the love they're shown because that love is what determines who they are going to turn into."
  • "You might actually grieve the loss of your pre-baby life. The change is so overwhelming, and adjusting to the new normal can be extremely challenging."
  • "There is no wrong way to get a newborn baby to sleep, as long as it is safe."
  • “Diaper size/baby weight means NOTHING. When your baby starts to blow out their diapers, it's time to size up."
  • "If you can't breastfeed, it's OK. There is so much 'Breast is best' pressure that if you can't breastfeed for any reason, you feel guilty as hell. But FORMULA FEEDING IS FINE! That's why it exists!"
  • "You’ll lose pretty much all of your friends. Once you have a baby, all of your non-baby friends disappear. Or, if they do have kids, everyone is just too busy."
  • "Ask for and accept help."

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