Names of people most likely to have an accident...this is real!

What's in a name? Apparently your odds of hurting yourself. Uplift Legal Funding has come up with a rather bizarre list, the top names of the "most accident-prone" men and women. Seems the firm compiled its list by combing through in-house personal injury claims. It adds that women suffer injuries 37% more often when falling over, and men are 23% more likely to have mishaps at home.

"Names are an important aspect of our lives," says company chief Jared Stern. "There's even science out there to suggest that our names can have an impact on our lives, with the power to affect our personalities and even our physicality." 

Here are the top five lists of the most accident-prone people names:

Men: Kyle, Blake, Brian, Ryan, Daniel

Women: Hailey, Taylor, Linda, Barbara, Kimberley

Source: Today

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