Pandemic Plus- Americans are sure their spouse is "the one"!

All the time we’ve all spent at home this year may have been tough on some relationships, but some women actually feel the opposite and are more secure with their partners these days, according to a new poll. The survey of 2-thousand American women was conducted by OnePoll for, an online jeweler, and it reveals 32% of those in a relationship now think their partner is a keeper.

Those women say the pandemic has made them realize their current S.O. is “the one.” And that may have something to do with the fact that nearly half (46%) of those polled say one month of living with a partner during quarantine feels like the equivalent of spending a year in a relationship.

The survey also asked women about the new normal of getting engaged during a pandemic. As far as the ring is concerned, it turns out, 60% of them want some say in it. For those who’ve already gotten engaged or married, 51% had some input in choosing their ring, 36% helped their partner pick it out, 10% chose their ring by themselves and 5% showed friends what they liked and then they dropped hints to the proposing partner. And would-be fiancés should take note because 41% of women whose partner didn’t consult them before buying a ring wish they had.


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