What makes the "perfect mid day nap"?

The perks of working from home like comfy clothes and non-stop snacking get a lot of love, but let’s talk about something that isn’t getting the praise it deserves. Napping. We’ve all had those days in the office where we wished we could just lay down and get some shut-eye, but now for remote workers, that's actually a thing. And experts say it should continue to be because naps are great for us.

  • What Are The Benefits Of Napping? Besides the obvious that sleep is amazing, naps have plenty of other positive effects. They can relax you, they can improve your mood and temperament, and they’ve been shown to improve focus. In fact, Harvard Medical School’s Rebecca Robbins says she often recommends naps to pro athletes before big games since they can bring on “that feeling of being in the zone.”
  • The Perfect Nap. Not all naps are created equal. Experts say that ideally, a nap should be somewhere between 10 and 20 minutes and Robbins says the optimal time in the day to take one is between noon and 4pm. When you stray from those numbers is when you start cutting into your normal sleep cycle and mess things up for yourself. It’s also going to cut into the time you were supposed to be on a Zoom conference call so don’t go too hard with the Zzzs.

Source:Fast Company

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