Elections Day Choices...talking food and beverages

There’s no doubt the presidential election has been stressful for a lot of folks and that stress will all come to a head on Tuesday. So, how do people plan to cope on Election Day?

Well, according to a new poll:

  • 46% of Americans plan chow down on junk food to help them deal with Election Day stress.
  • Of those people, 42% will rely on pizza.
  • Plenty of others plan to look for liquid courage to get them through the day.
    • 26% will be drinking beer on Election Day.
    • 23% will be downing the wine.
    • 15% will turn to hard liquor.
  • And then there are those who will spend Election Day high.
  • 13% of folks plan to consume “cannabis products” on Election Day.

As for how closely they’ll be following the results

  • 46% plan to watch them as they roll in.
  • 23% can’t handle it, and will just look for the results the next day. 

Source:Harris Poll

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