The rude drivers are apt to drive these cars!

Thanks to a new study, we may now know who exactly we should be avoiding on the road. The numbers are in and America’s rudest drivers definitely have a type, and it’s not minivans. No, the folks most likely to flip another driver off or ride their bumper tend to like sportier-than-average sedans. Here are the car models most likely to have a rude person sitting in the driver’s seat.

  • BMW 4-Series. If you see a BMW 4-Series in your rearview mirror, you’re likely in for a long trip., because the study found it to have the highest percentage of rude drivers. They’re reportedly involved in nearly 2.5 times as many incidences of rude driving behavior like failing to yield the right of way to pedestrians and driving through red lights.
  • BMW 7-Series. Different car but the same brand and the same story for the BMW 7-Series. It’s drivers average more than twice as many rude driving citations as the national average. Imagining having $86,800 for a car and being that angry.
  • Audi A5. The study found that Audi drivers are considered some of the worst tailgaters in general and that folks that drive their A5 model were also particularly bad at yielding for pedestrians and respecting stop signs.
  • Subaru WRX. Not only are Subaru WRX drivers the fourth-rudest, but they also have the highest amount of speeding tickets and the third-highest amount of at-fault accidents. They’re also 2.5 times more likely to be guilty of improper lane violations and 2.3 times more likely to commit a passing violation.

Find the complete list of cars preferred by rude driversHERE. And in case you were wondering, the study found the nicest folks drive Nissan X-Terras, Honda Ridgelines, and Land Rover Range Rovers.


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