Some "pick-me-up" texts that you can send to friends when needed!

Having a loved one that’s feeling down is rough because obviously, you want to help but you’re probably also lowkey afraid you might say something that could make things worse. But the thing is, if you just concentrate on listening and being there for them instead of trying to fix things, you should be fine. Here are some texts you can send to express that.

  • “I’m so sorry that everything sucks so much right now. I love you.” All your friend probably wants right now is some validation that their feelings are justified and an open ear to rant to. This is why well-being coach Shula Melamed suggests reminding them you love them and you’re thinking of them.
  • Is there anything I can do? Please let me know how I can support you. Let them know you're here to listen and ready to help them figure out their own solutions. Surely, you’ve got your own opinions on what they should do, but now is not the time.
  • I’m in meetings all day, but let's talk on the phone tonight! When's a good time to call? You’re not going to be much help to your friends if you’re burnt out from work or fired from your job because you’re constantly taking their calls when you should be working. Set some boundaries by telling them when you’re available to help. Because you do want to help, just not 24/7.
  • Remember to do something kind for yourself today! Give your loved one the kick in the butt they need to start practicing some self-care. Even if that means making them message you a pic of an open wine bottle and a bad movie playing in the background. Sometimes we all need a reminder to do things that make us happy. Be that reminder!

Find more texts to send your friend that’s feeling downHERE.


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