How to carve out some "me time" during the pandemic

We all know the proverb “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” yet no one seems to follow it. Seriously, people literally brag about #grinding.Is it any wonder why burnout is plaguing our generation? It’s about time we inject some more “me time” into our schedules, and here are some tips to do just that.

  • Set Work-free Times. To fight that “always-on” feeling by blocking off sections of your day where you’re not checking your email or hopping on your computer. It could mean two hours at night for uninterrupted dinner and exercise or waking up earlier to squeeze in some yoga and relaxing time. Find what works for you and make it a daily habit.
  • Define Health Must-Haves. Your personal health goals should be much higher than “healthy enough to never go to the hospital.” But when you’re working a kajillion hours a week, some things take a backseat. The key is to figure out your non-negotiables healthwise. For example, you may choose to never compromise on your sleep and make sure you’re getting seven hours a night no matter what. This means working your schedule so you can get to bed on time to do just that.
  • Give Yourself What You Really Want. Hopefully, by now you’ve got a mental list of activities you know make you really, really happy in life. Whether it’s talking with friends, cooking, or watching three-hours of TikTok, find your thing and make time for it every day. No exceptions. And stop thinking of this me-time as a guilty pleasure. These activities are where you recharge your batteries and how you make energy for the other parts of your life. Don’t skimp out!

Source:Fast Company

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