NO WAY Headlines of The Day

Couple has their first daughter......after 14 boys!

Kateri and Jay Schwandt are used to boys, it’s just what they know. The Michigan parents have only had sons before – 14 of them, in fact – but they just added another child to their family and this one was a game-changer. Little Maggie Jayne joins her many big brothers as the family’s first baby girl.

She made her debut on Thursday, weighing in at seven pounds, eight ounces. Maggie Jayne was named after both of her parents, mom’s middle name is Margaret and Jayne is a play on her dad’s first name. She joins brothers Tyler, Zach, Drew, Brandon, Tommy, Vinny, Calvan, Gabe, Wesley, Charlie, Luke, Tucker, Francisco and Finley, who range in age from two and a half to 28 years old. If they sound familiar, it might be because and their family has a livestreaming show, “14 Outdoorsmen.” How that’ll change with the arrival of Maggie Jayne hasn’t been determined.

“We are overjoyed and beyond excited to add Maggie Jayne to our family,” says proud papa Jay . “This year has been memorable in so many ways, for so many reasons, but Maggie is the greatest gift we could ever imagine.”

Source:Detroit Free Press

First ever Mother-Daughter Pilot /Co- Pilot scenario

A woman has followed in her mother’s footsteps and now they’re making history together. Captain Suzy Garrett has been flying planes for over 30 years and has made headlines before for being one of the first women hired by SkyWest Airlines. Her husband, Doug, is also a pilot and they passed on their passion to their kids, Mark and Donna.

Now 26-year-old Donna has been hired by SkyWest as well and the mother-daughter duo got to share the cockpit recently, becoming the first mother-daughter duo to pilot a commercial passenger plane together. Donna credits her parents “love for flying” that made her want to be a pilot like mom and dad, saying they “made it sound so much fun.”

The mom and daughter also want to inspire young women to consider their field. Suzy hopes she can be a “role model for young girls who come on board and show them what’s possible” And Donna encourages women to explore all the opportunities available in the aviation industry and to not “disqualify yourself or think that there is anything limiting you just because you are a woman.” The duo are both excited to get to fly together and spend time with each other doing what they love.


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