A time line for the vaccine!!

As we told you yesterday, drugmaker Pfizer says their coronavirus vaccine is more than 90% effective. Dr.Anthony Fauci said he’s excited about the development and is now offering a little more of a timeline for its distribution.

Fauci says the process will move relatively quickly now that data for Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine is available. In an interview with MSNBC, Fauci says Pfizer will likely pursue an emergency use authorization before Thanksgiving. He also said he believes the company should have little problem with the application.

And get this. Fauci predicts people deemed high risk could be vaccinated next month. Fauci added he hopes the vaccine would be available to those who need it or just want to get it within "a reasonable period of time." That could mean by April.

  • Where do we stand with COVID-19?According to the latest numbers from Johns Hopkins, the United States has confirmed just over 10-million diagnosed cases across the United States since the beginning – with just over 239-thousand have succumbed to the illness. In good news?Nearly four-million people have recovered.Something else to consider? Ourper capita fatality rate, which still has us in ninth place worldwide.


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