How Many Minutes Does It Take For A Couple To Start Arguing In The Car?

It’s no secret that spending a lot of time in close quarters with someone can lead to some pretty serious disagreements. In a study conducted by the University of Utah, it was found that the average couple starts arguing just 22 minutes after getting in the car together. While there are many things couples argue about, the top three are

1. Directions

2. Speeding

3. Parking

I must admit that my driving is not what attracted my wife to me. (I’m actually not sure what it was). This list is right on target for us. It gets so bad that it’s not unusual for me to pull over and let her drive. If I’m being honest, it’s really one of the only times that we argue anymore.

So, what can you do to avoid these arguments? Well, for starters, try to keep communication open and honest. If you’re feeling frustrated about something, talk to your partner about it rather than letting it build up. Additionally, it’s important to set some ground rules for the car. Make sure you both agree on things like how often the radio is playing, or who is allowed to talk on the phone.

While I was researching this info, I ran across an article, and I love how the guy below handled the situation on speeding.

I must admit, I have a bit of a lead foot. My wife would say with an alarmed tone, “You’re speeding!” I would respond, “No, I’m not!”
We unpacked this during a calm moment at home. I was less defensive and admitted, “yeah, I have a lead foot.” And she said, “it’s not that I’m mad at you…I’m actually scared.”
First, my lead foot was not going to change quickly. So, when I was speeding, instead of saying, “you’re speeding!” she said, “I’m getting scared” instead. Because I had a chance to be a hero and help her not to be scared, I immediately slowed down and said, “thanks for reminding me.”

Read the entire article from Couples Therapy Inc here

Thanks so much for listening to the show in the afternoon. If you have something you would like to share with the show, please reach out to me HERE


Photo: Getty Images

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