Did You Know? Ever Wondered Why Old Photos Lack Smiles? Find Out!

Today, let's flashback to the photography customs of the 1840s.

We've all been there – right before a photo is snapped, someone yells, "Say cheese!" and everyone flashes their best smiles. But did you ever wonder why people in old photographs look so serious? The answer lies in a single word: "prunes".

Yes, you read that right! In the 1840s, a cheerful, cheesy grin was actually considered unrefined and childish. So, to maintain a more dignified appearance in photographs, a clever London photographer advised people to say "prunes". The idea was to keep the mouth tight and give off a more serious, composed demeanor – a stark contrast to today's wide grins and laughter.

This little change in vocabulary had a big impact on the style of portraiture back then. Saying "prunes" caused the lips to purse slightly, leading to the more reserved expressions we often see in old photographs. It's a fascinating glimpse into the social norms and aesthetic preferences of the past.

So, next time you find yourself leafing through an antique photo album, remember the story of "prunes" and smile – or maybe, just keep your mouth tight for old times' sake.

Stay curious!


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