Hurts Donut's Flood Relief Donations on National Donut Day

National Donut Day is Friday, June 7th. It's also Hurts Donut’s 2nd Anniversary!

Hurts Donut, 1641 W 15th St, Fayetteville AR 72701

Sheep Dog Impact Assistance was voted as the National Donut Day charity for Hurts Donut's. 10% of sales this Friday, June 7th will go to SDIA as Hurts Donut’s way of saying thank you for all you do.

SDIA will bring one of their trailers to load with donations for their mission to the River Valley and Central AR flood recovery.

Items requested are:

  • Bottled water
  • Nonperishable food
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Flat head shovels
  • Crowbars
  • Push brooms 

Side note for when you're there donating: For every single dozen you purchase on NDD, you’ll be entered in a drawing to win free dozens for an entire year!!

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