We all have our deal breakers when it comes to relationships. While we may not know exactly what we’re looking for in love, we can usually identify what we DON’T want. A new hashtag is going viral on Twitter and it’s all about what people are not willing to put up with in a partner. These are some of the best responses to#ICantBeWithSomeoneWho...
- “Has eyes for everyone”
- “Doesn’t read and is proud of it”
- “Changes their status to ‘single’ every time we have an argument”
- “Is mean to others. If you can't spread some kindness stay away from me”
- “Leaves empty containers and boxes in the freezer”
- “Doesn't know the clear difference between “Star Wars” and “Star Trek”
- “Doesn't tip”
- “Spends all their time tweeting”
- “Doesn't play video games or someone with zero manners!”
- “Wants a domestic servant instead of a partner”
- “Doesn't get movie quotes and song lyric references”
- “Can’t parallel park”
- “Doesn’t eat dessert”
- “Has never seen the original “Ghostbusters”
- “Doesn’t love dogs”
- “Uses the phrase “man-up”
- “Eats pizza with a fork and knife”
- “Doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re”
- And maybe the most important one of all … “hangs the toilet paper roll the wrong way”