These days you don’t have to live on a college campus, or commute to school, to get a degree. More and more colleges are offering online programs so you can get a higher education from the comfort of your own home. But how do you know the online program you’re picking is a good one?
Well, "U.S. News & World Report" has just come out with their 2020 Best Online Programs rankings, rating 1,600 college programs, including bachelor's and graduate degrees, in a variety of fields like business, engineering, education and nursing.
- Ohio State University earned the honor for the the Best Online Bachelor’s Program.
- Indiana University-Bloomington (Kelley) and University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler) tie for top honors for the Best Online MBA program.
- University of Southern California is tops for computer information technology, the eighth year in a row it's earned the title.
- Rush University has the best online program for nursing,
- Clemson University (Moore) has the Best online education program.
Best Online Bachelor's Programs
- Ohio State University–Columbus
- Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University—Worldwide (FL)
- University of Illinois—Chicago
- University of Florida – Gainesville
- Oregon State University
Click herefor a complete list of the Best Online college programs.
Source:U.S. News & World Report