We all know that first dates can be totally awkward, and often times it’s very hard to start up a conversation. But while awkward questions are expected to start a conversation, some folks have experienced some truly bizarre first date questions and now they’re sharing.
A thread on the anonymous Whisper app has folks revealing the craziest questions they were asked on a first date and it makes you wonder why anyone would put themselves through that.
Crazy first date questions include:
- “I went on one date with this cute guy and during the date he asked me to be exclusive. Even told me he loved me the next day.”
- “When are you gonna lose all the weight?”
- “I know we just met and I have a three-year-old, no job prospects but would you consider marrying me anyway?”
- “(chubbier girl here) I was on a first date and he looked at my hips and said ‘you have great hips for birthing. How many kids do you desire?’”
- “You’re going to have a burger? You should have a salad.”
- “I finally had a first date using one of the apps. As soon as I sat down he said ‘why did you say yes to this date?’ …real way to start off dude.”
- “During a first date the guy asked me to paint my nails red so he can suck my toes.”
- “Worst question I was ever asked on a date: if I’ve ever been sexually abused because he didn’t want ‘damaged goods.’”
- “’I’m on my period, but I’d still totally have sex with you after dinner. You gonna run my red light?’ Definitely didn’t ‘run her red light’.”
- “So when would you be comfortable having my baby?”
- “Could you give me some money? I need to move.”