The stimulus checks are rolling out and it’s time for America’s new favorite game show:‘Spend, save, or donate!’If you’re out of work right now, you probably knew exactly where that money was going before it hit your bank account. But if you’re still employed, and are being paid fully, you may be wondering what to do with it. Here’s some ideas.
- Spend it.This money was meant to boost the economy so don’t feel guilty if you can afford to be frivolous. Piece of advice though? Try shopping locally and avoid posting about your “new flatscreen” on social media.That’s a bad look.
- Tip delivery drivers.The unsung heroes of this crisis are the delivery drivers bringing us takeout, groceries, packages and more. Let them know you appreciate them risking their health with some extra green.
- Bailout humans.Check out trending hashtag #BailOutHumans on Twitter. There’s plenty of deserving people asking for help right now.Gofundmehas an entire webpage dedicated to families, frontline workers, artists and more affected by COVID-19.
- Help homeless shelters.If you panic bought coronavirus prevention supplies, your local homeless shelter could probably use any you can spare. The CDC recommends donating things like soap, alcohol-based hand sanitizers, trash baskets, tissues, and face masks. Or you could give them a piece of your stimulus check if you have any funds to spare.
Whatever you decide is your business and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you how to spend your money. But having said that,if you really do need someone to tell you how to spend your money,you can find more ideasHERE.
Source:The Guardian
PAY YOUR BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!