These days folks are finding all different ways to connect with friends and loved ones since they can’t see them in person, and one of those ways is through group chats.
According to a new British survey, which could easily translate here:
- 93% of people are in at least one group chat.
- 80% of people say maintaining group chats help them maintain friendships and stay connected.
- It’s not all good news though, with many folks finding group chats annoying.
- 27% admit to always muting their chats.
- 46% of people hate it when folks take more than 48 hours to respond to a group chat, with 40% thinking people need to respond right away.
It seems every group chat has certain folks with distinct chat personalities, and you may be one of them and not even know it.
Top group chat personalities include:
- The Lurker- Doesn’t respond for long periods at a time but joins in at random points.
- The Cliffhanger- Always instigates plans then doesn’t reply.
- The Changer- Keeps changing the group chat name or icon.
- The Zombie- Never sleeps and is always messaging at odd times.
- The Happy Snapper- Bombards the group with pictures.
Source:The Mirror