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Sleep problems? These tips might help!

Not that we were getting good, quality sleep before all this went down, but COVID-19 has supercharged our snoozing issues. If you’re tired of being tired, here’s what science says you can do to kick your sleep pattern back into gear.

  • Eat melatonin-boosting foods.You probably have a friend taking melatonin supplements or seen some type of sleep-aid drink saying they’re loaded with it at the grocery. It’s the hormone that makes us sleepy. Ipso facto, if you eat foods filled with melatonin like tomatoes, cherries, bananas, kiwis, or oats, you’ll be able to nod off much easier.
  • Avoid a large meal before bed.Your eyes might be ready to shut for the night but if you eat before bedtime, your digestion system will still be working overtime. Stop eating a few hours before you lay down. And that means no late-night snacks.Goodbye handful of shredded cheese.
  • Shower before bed.A warm bath or hot shower rapidly heats up and cools your body’s core temperature which has been shown to help people fall asleep. For best results, hit the showers around an hour before you go to sleep.
  • Sleep naked.It might make a home invasion or fire alarm awkward but the less you wear, the lower your body temp, and the better able you are to fall asleep.
  • Don’t wear pajamas during the day.For many, PJs have become sleep, gym, and work attire right now, and that’s a real no-no in the sleep science world. The more you wear pajamas outside of bedtime, the less your brain psychologically connects the clothes with winding down. Take back that feeling by reserving them for bedroom use only.

If you’ve tried all of these and your sleep is still messed up, you can check out all the other sleep adviceHERE.


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