What is the dumbest fight you and a significant other had during quarantine?
- “Traffic. Arguing over traffic that neither of us had anything to do with causing.” – Angelo
- “We argued for an hour about whether the Sopranos is better than Breaking Bad.” – Doug
- “Trying to install a light fixture together. We both had different ideas on how to do it.” – Christina
- “He ate all of my tostitos scoops, and HE WASN'T EVEN SCOOPING ANYTHING.” – MJ
- “I wanted to watch Love Is Blind for a 4th time. He wasn’t having it.” – Chalaire
- “How many paper towels do you need to dry your hands?” – Allie
- “I don’t understand what you’re saying. Would you put it in context.” “That’s because you’re not trying...” – Greg
- “I didn’t wear gloves at the grocery store and I touched the cart.” – Jen
- “That I got taco Tuesday from an Irish pub. In my defense I did this because our 12 year old wanted chicken fingers and I thought I could make everyone happy. In his defense the tacos were awful and never ordered from there again!” – Alyssa
- “The dehumidifer in the basement getting unplugged....it was an epic blowout. More than a week.” - Cynthia