Turning down dates was difficult before, but now that no one’s going to believe that you have “other plans,” it’s even tougher. Especially when the preferred dating method is Zoom and all that requires is clicking accept on a device and wearing clothes on the top half of your body. So say you get the invite...and for whatever reason, you’re not feelin it. Want to turn someone down without coming across like a jerk?Here are a couple tips:
- Be honest, but firm.You could try to lie, but why? Plus, with everyone’s ability to stalk one another via social media, do you think you’ll get away with it? Dating and breakup recovery coach Cherlyn Chong the “best way is to be honest, direct and firm.” Try something like‘I’m sorry, but I don't feel like we have a lot of chemistry. Hope you find someone amazing.’It’s the perfect response because it’s short, sweet, and not ghosting.
- Hold your ground.Years of romantic movies have taught us to “fight for love” so don't be surprised if they won’t take no for an answer. If someone just won't let up, Chong says you should explain the logic of how your honesty benefits them in the long run. Something like “I don’t want to waste your time or mine, and I am going to be flat out real with you, I’m not feeling it.” Then if that doesn’t sink in with them, feel free to use all the blocking functions your favorite dating app has to shut them out.
Source:Elite Daily