Well at least now that people are working from home, at least they don’t have to worry about burnout.Said no one.If anything, this situation has only made things worse for people who are beyond stressed at work. Luckily though, author of“Can’t Even: How Millennials Became The Burnout Generation”Anne Helen Petersen has come up with some surefire ways to keep the flames of your potential burnout low.
- Work Less.It may seem obvious, but it’s still one of the hardest things for people to grasp. Petersen says the biggest revelation she’s come to is that she actually does better work when she’s working less. Those rest periods allow you to come back more interested, more creative, and less like you’re just going through the motions.
- Unplug.As you know from the anxiety you feel when your phone drops to 10% battery life, disconnecting is hard. That’s why Petersen recommends adding more things to your life where you’re physically separated from your devices. For her, that means going out into the wilderness where now signal can find her. For you, it could be as easy as sticking your phone into airplane mode.Plus, that option also includes a lot less bugs and bears.