Some people don’t know when to keep their mouths shut and love to make snarky comments, especially when it comes to raising kids. Parenting has never been an easy job, but in 2020? It’s next-level challenging. But that doesn’t stop the parenting police from spouting off with criticisms and unsolicited advice. These are a few of the things parents don’t want to hear this year.
- "Your kids spend too much time on screens"- Thanks, Captain Obvious! It’s called survival mode and it’s how mom and dad can get their jobs done.
- "Virtual learning can't be that hard"- Sure, leading your kindergardener through Zoom class looks easy, until you try it while working from home and handling tech support issues for your other kids at the same time.
- "Do you ever cook?"- Parents are teachers, activity directors, housekeepers and holding down their jobs and if they can order dinner in and support a local restaurant at the same time, good for them!
- "Something has to give — you can't do it all"- Most moms and dads would agree with this, but they don’t really have a choice, so keep trying to do it all and this kind of lack of support doesn’t help.
- "You're spoiling your kids"- They’re missing out on being with their friends, playing team sports, getting to go to school or anywhere else. And there’s a lot worse happening in the world than kids being treated too well.
- "You look tired"- There’s never a time that anyone wants to hear this.
- "You seem to be drinking more than usual"- The stress of 2020 may be leading us to open a bottle of wine on a Tuesday. Stop judging!
- "Why Are You choosing to homeschool?" - Everyone has an opinion about kids returning to in-person classrooms and everyone’s choosing what’s best for them, so mind your business, Karen.
- "You Should Take a 'Me Day,' Just to Catch Your Breath"- Pretty much every parent out there is dreaming of having a day to themselves, but with the current state of things, we’re going to have to wait on that “me time.”
- "Your house is a mess"- With kids home all the time and distance learning and working from home happening in the same space, tidying may be on the back burner. Unless you’re volunteering to clean it up, why would you bring it up?