The Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) program has launched. It gives eligible Americans who are unemployed or partially unemployed due to COVID-19an additional $300 a week in unemployment benefits. The funding for it comes from a FEMA disaster relief budget and each state that applied for the money will get at least three weeks' worth. Some states are kicking in an additional $100 so eligible residents there get $400 extra each week.
Since every state that wanted the funds had to apply on their own, and they all did it on their own timeline, the timing forthe bonus paymentsvaries state to state. Some are already sending out the payments, others won't be doing it for a while and one won't be sending any at all.
Forbesresearched each stateas well as the District of Columbia and compiled a list that shows the states already sending the payments out and how much they are for, and the states that aren't yet sending it, but if and when they plan to, and how much theirs will be for. Here's what they found out:
Arkansas will start sending out bonus payments of $300 in what a local news station described asa few weeks. A firm date hasn't been set yet.