With the election right around the corner, it’s safe to say the topic of politics is going to be coming up more often. And that includes at family dinner. Here are some tips from therapists that might help you make it through the next few months without needing to fill out emancipation papers based on how your fam is voting.
- Try not to match snark with snark.If someone is getting snarky with you in a political discussion, trying to match their level of cynicism is not going to get you anywhere. That’s why therapist Sean Davis says he prefers to be clear and direct about what he believes and why when talking politics. He recommends using nonconfrontational “I” statements like ‘As I see it.’ It’s a good way to validate that you heard them and let them know you disagree all at the same time.
- Remember your experiences are different.The next time you’re in the middle of a heated political debate, try to remember that you both have lived different lives and that’s why you believe different things. Davis says when he’s arguing with his own fam he tries to share the life experiences that have led him to his own beliefs and tries to understand the other person’s context for theirs. According to Davis, focusing the discussion around life experiences is where can lead to compassion and understanding while focusing on beliefs “gets you nowhere and always damages the relationship.”
Find more tips on how to talk to your family member that’s “voting for that guy”HERE.