While most of us are understandably still worried about the coronavirus, flu season is coming up so there’s another reason to be worried about our health. Getting a flu shot can go a long way towards preventing folks from getting sick this winter, and a new poll reveals more folks are likely to get it this year than they were before.
A new RX Saver survey finds:
- 63% of Americans say they are more likely to get a flu shot this year because of COVID-19.
- 50% of Americans insist they are definitely getting the flu shot this year.
- 44% say the coronavirus has made them more worried about getting sick.
- 68% will get it for their own personal protection.
- Folks most likely to get a flu shot this year live in either the Northeast (57%) or the West (54%).
- Only 45% of those in the South definitely plan to get the flu vaccine.
And it seems finances are another reason why some definitely plan on getting their flu shot this year.
- 61% of Americans say they’ve had financial issues after missing work because of the cold or the flu.
- 30% also find it hard to pay for medications when thy come down with a cold or flu.
Source:Business Insider