While it may not seem like a big deal to some that folks haven’t been able to travel due to the coronavirus, folks are really missing out on travel, and it’s not just because they want to get away.
A new Hilton survey finds:
- Most Americans admit that travel is often the happy memory they remember most.
- That tops personal achievements and special occasions.
- The majority of those polled (63%) say creating a lasting memory is their main goal when going on a trip.
- Sadly, not being able to travel due to the pandemic has led 90% of people to say the nation is facing a travel memory deficit.
- Most believe this deficit will have a long-lasting impact on Americans, resulting in greater stress and missed opportunities to make special moments with those they love.
- On the positive side, 94% of Americans are planning to travel again.
- Plus, 66% vow to stop putting off trips and finally go on that dream vacation they’ve always wanted.
- 80% plan to focus on making new travel memories once they start traveling again.
- Of those who do plan to travel, 39% plan to travel more once restrictions are lifted.
- Plus, 62% say they will travel to new places to make more memories.
And when it comes to making travel memories
- 76% say they have helped shape them into who they are today.
- 69% say travel has given them lifelong memories.
- 90% say they are some of the happiest memories of their life.
- 57% say their trip was made memorable because of the person who traveled with them.
- 71% say it was the destination itself.
- 47% of travelers say trips have given them an appreciation of nature.
- 46% say it is a way to take a break from work or study.
- 44% admit travel has improved their relationship with friends and family.
- 44% believe it helps them gain a feeling of gratitude for what they have in their lives.
Source:Business Insider