Another day, another study saying social media isn’t great. But this one might be the most ironic its results show social media is actually making us anti-social. Yikes.
A recent global study conducted from the Kasperksy Lab has found about one-third of people communicate less with their parents, partners, children, and friends because they’re following them on social media. This might be fine if everyone was being honest on their pages, but since we all know that’s not true, reading someone’s feed isn’t exactly the best way to stay in touch.
The research also found some scary stats when it comes to jealousy online as well. Like how 59% said they’ve felt sad after seeing photos from a party they weren't invited to and 45% admitted they were unhappy seeing a friend’s vacation photos. Once again, just flipping through someone’s vacation pics was enough to set nearly half the survey off. FOMO is out of control!
Source:Study Finds