The longest-living human ever, according to his unverified birth certificate, has reportedly died at the age of 146.
The Indonesian man known as Sodimejo had a state-issued ID showing a birth date of December 31st, 1870. Although Indonesia didn't start keeping birth records until decades later, authorities always insisted his papers were valid. He passed away last week and was laid to rest yesterday (Monday).
Sodimejo says his earliest memory was watching the construction of a sugar factory in his village which was built in 1880, and that's why he believes he must have been born about 10 years earlier. Those who knew him said he was able to walk without assistance until two years ago and was a heavy smoker. He outlived four wives and everyone else in his family.
The longest-living person ever, that can be verified, was a French woman who died 20 years ago at the age of 122. Currently, the oldest-living person is 117-year-old Violet Mosses Brown of Jamaica. (USA Today)
The current oldest-living person, at 117, is young enough to have been his daughter.