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This Is The Most Dangerous Road In Arkansas

In Arkansas, it's estimated that 10 people die in car accidents every week. That's far too many preventable deaths, and it's especially heartbreaking when you consider that most of these accidents are caused by human error.

So, which roads in Arkansas are the most dangerous? Here's a look at some of the most accident-prone areas in the state.


I-40 is a major east-west artery that runs through the heart of Arkansas, and it's also one of the most dangerous roads in the state. In fact, in 2017 there were over 1,300 accidents on I-40, resulting in nearly 600 injuries and 65 fatalities.

One of the biggest dangers on I-40 is fatigued driving. With so many long stretches of open road, it's easy for drivers to become drowsy behind the wheel. If you're driving on I-40, be sure to take frequent breaks to avoid falling asleep at the wheel.

Hwy 65

Highway 65 is another dangerous road in Arkansas. This north-south highway runs through some of the most rural parts of the state, and as a result, there are often few witnesses around if an accident does occur.

What's more, with limited medical resources in these rural areas, it can often take first responders longer to reach the scene of an accident.

If you find yourself driving on Highway 65, be sure to exercise extra caution and keep an eye out for potential hazards. And if you do happen to get into an accident, be sure to call 911 right away so that help can be dispatched as soon as possible.

Car accidents are all too common in Arkansas, but by taking precautions and staying alert while behind the wheel, you can help keep yourself and your loved ones safe on the road. Do your part to stay safe out there! Thanks for reading and always, thanks for listening in the afternoons.


Foto: Getty Images

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