Thrillist’s has a list of the Creepiest, Most Mysterious Haunted Hotels in Every State. In the state of Arkansas, there is no doubt what is number 1.
Crescent Hotel
Eureka Springs
The self-declared “America’s Most Haunted Hotel” first opened in 1886 as an Ozarks getaway for the rich, but went belly up during the Depression and eventually became a hospital operating under a fraudulent doctor, who claimed to have the cure for cancer. While the hospital has since become a hotel, some of the patients who died there continue to haunt the property, with hundreds of paranormal experiences reported by guests. The striking palatial structure certainly looks the part, towering forebodingly over the town of Eureka Springs from its perch atop Crescent Mountain. For those with an interest in specters, the hotel leans into its haunted reputation, welcoming ghost tours and offering a Spirits of the Crescent hotel package that comes with spooky amenities.
See the full list here
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