If you’re into high-tech toothbrushes – and who isn’t? – you’ll want to be on the lookout for the “10-Second Toothbrush” from a company called Y-Brush.
The Europeans have been using this thing for a few years – and now it’s being sold in the U.S.
And, just like the name suggests, it allows users to brush their teeth in 10 seconds flat.
The gadget looks like a mouthguard – and features 35,000 nylon bristles designed to clean all your teeth at the same time. Instead of you moving a toothbrush around your mouth, this thing does all the work … in just 10 seconds.
Imagine all the life you’ll get back so you can play on your phone or watch TV because you’re saving that minute or two EACH day, not brushing your teeth, but instead, letting this mouthguard keep your teeth and gums healthy.