While having a baby is supposed to be a happy time in a couple’s life, it also comes with a lot of stress, and apparently it a lot of parents don’t survive it.
According to a new UK poll, which could easily translate here:
- A third of moms and dads said their relationship suffered following the birth of their child.
- A fifth of new parents ended their relationships during their baby’s first year.
- 10% of parents had a trial separation in the 12 months since their baby arrived, but reconciled.
- The six-month after baby mark is the most common point at which couples break up.
Of course having a baby isn’t easy, but that’s not necessarily a reason to break up. So, what are the most common reasons new parents have called it quits after their baby was born?They include:
- We stopped communicating properly about anything
- Sex life dwindled
- Not as much affection generally
- We started to argue all the time
- We didn't have any time for each other
- We already had problems before the baby was born, and this created additional strain afterwards
- One of us was always nit-picking the other's involvement with the baby
- My partner was going out all the time and leaving me to do everything
- One/ both of us couldn't adjust to the new responsibility
- One of us cheated on the other
Source:SWNS Digital