MEMORIAL DAY: How to Cook the Perfect Burger
Memorial Day Weekend means cranking up the BBQ and having some burgers.To up your burger game, here are some professional tips on how to grill the perfect burger:
When forming patties, press a thumbprint in the center: The slight indentation will prevent the burger from shrinking up into a hockey puck and make it cook evenly.
Never smash your burger with a spatula: This squeezes out all the juices, leaving you with a dry patty.
Burgers should go on the grill cold: Unlike most other meats that should be grilled after coming to room temperature, burgers are best cooked cold so they stay moist.
Cook the burgers on a hot grill: Wait until your cooking surface is hot before putting on your patties. You’re shooting for an internal temperature of 160 degrees, in case you are unsure of when to pull them off.
Always toast the buns: You can throw them right on the grill to give them a little crisp before topping with a patty to prevent soggy buns that fall apart. (Buzz 60)